
爱国者 当如此-南京大屠杀死难者国家公祭日

2021-12-14 15:26:42

南京大屠杀指抗日战争期间,中国当时的首都南京于1937年12月13日沦陷后,日军在南京及附近地区进行长达四十多天的大屠杀  。日军在南京城内对大量平民及战俘进行屠杀、抢掠、强奸、无恶不作。南京大屠杀的死亡人数超过30万。 
南京大屠杀是侵华日军公然违反国际条约和人类基本道德准则,是日军在侵华战争期间无数暴行中最突出、最有代表性的一例之一。 南京大屠杀期间,《纽约时报》、《中央日报》、《新华日报》等中外媒体,均对南京大屠杀进行了大量的揭露。
战后,中国国民政府对南京大屠杀进行了广泛的调查。其中,南京审判战犯军事法庭经调查判定,日军集体屠杀有28案,屠杀人数有19万;零散屠杀有858案,死亡人数有15万,总计死亡人数达30多万,制造了惨绝人寰的特大惨案。  2015年10月9日,《南京大屠杀史档案》正式列入《世界记忆名录》。
 历史不会因时代变迁而改变,事实也不会因巧舌抵赖而消失。为南京大屠杀死难者举行公祭仪式,是要唤起每一个善良的人们对和平的向往和坚守,而不是要延续仇恨。 我们要以史为鉴、面向未来,共同为人类和平作出贡献。——国家主席习近平
Nanjing massacre refers to the Sino-Japanese War, China's then capital of Nanjing in December 13, 1937 after the fall of the Japanese in Nanjing and nearby areas for more than 40 days of massacre. The Japanese army in the city of Nanjing a large number of civilians and prisoners of massacre, looting, rape, no evil. The Nanjing Massacre killed more than 300,000 people.
The Nanjing Massacre was a blatant violation of international treaties and the basic moral principles of mankind, and was one of the most prominent and representative examples of the atrocities committed by Japanese troops during the war of aggression against China. During the Nanjing Massacre, the New York Times, the Central Daily News, Xinhua Daily and other Chinese and foreign media, the Nanjing Massacre were a lot of exposure.
After the war, the Chinese National Government conducted an extensive investigation into the Nanjing Massacre. Among them, the Nanjing Military Tribunal for the Trial of War Criminals determined by investigation, the Japanese mass murder 28 cases, the massacre of 190,000; 858 scattered massacre, the death toll of 150,000, the total number of deaths of more than 30 million, creating a tragic mass tragedy . October 9, 2015, "the Nanjing Massacre History File" officially included in the "World Memory List."
History will not change due to changes in the times, the truth will not disappear because of tongue-tongue denial. The memorial service for the victims of the Nanjing Massacre is to arouse the kindness and longing for peace, not to perpetuate hatred. We must take history as a mirror, face the future, and jointly contribute to the peace of mankind. - President Xi Jinping
As a Chinese, we must bear in mind the pain brought to us by the Nanjing Massacre. Remember the history, forget the national humiliation!